
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Grocery Store Clerk - RESPECT!

Last night was rather quiet, and everything seemed to run smoothly.   Actually, there was only one real episode that stood out and it was quickly resolved.  But this particular ordeal made me take notice of something that, in so many ways, is most generally overlooked.  And that is, how employees handle the situations that occur.  There are various types of situations that happen daily.  It can be a customer that is upset over prices, coupons, lack of selection, sale items, the system may go down, programs may not come up and whatever else one can imagine.  And no matter what the situation is, it is how an employee handles the problem that will most generally make all of the difference.  In order to accomplish this feat, an employee has to be knowledgeable with the functions of the store and know how to handle themselves.  In most cases, problems can be resolved.  But in some cases, an employee will end up becoming the target and have to accept the frustration that a customer throws their way.

So last night there was an episode where the working CSM had to take charge and, in the long run, had no choice but to stand there and take the verbal abuse that was handed her way.  Upholding company policy, and avoiding a possible loss, she took what was handed her and handled it with grace.  I think that there are quite a few of us that knows how this feels.   To be belittled with words, accompanied with temper and hollering, takes a very strong person.  A person that can separate the action, knowing that it is not personal but, in fact, an action that is being used in order to break down ones defenses.

So there our CSM stood, speaking softly and politely and giving an accurate reason as to why the decision was made.  And although you are familiar with this kind of behaviour, when you witness it - well, you just cannot ignore the immediate respect that you feel for this person.

This type of job is not looked upon as that of being a professional position.  Instead it is more associated with people who are students and needing a part-time job, a person wishing to have a second job, a graduate that is working at this job while searching for a position that fits their degree or a job for people who do not have a college education.  However, there is definitely more to this job then what the public may see and you have to work it in order to understand.  Formal education is not the key factor here.  I know plenty of people with more then one degree behind their names and can honestly say, if they were faced with these issues, or just working in this line of employment, they would be making a run for the parking lot after the first couple of hours.

So after what I witnessed last night, and usually witness every day, I can honestly say that these people are professionals.  They have the ability to handle whatever comes their way, have the knowledge of so many programs and are the keepers of company policies and know how to incorporate them on a day to day basis.   To break it down, they have a knowledge that can't be taught it has to be learned and defined and not all of us have these capabilities.

Here's to my fellow co-workers,  you deserve more than a HIGH FIVE - you deserve our respect.

Talk At Ya Later!

1 comment:

  1. So true. Sometmes we are not even acknowledged through an entire transaction, yet we do what ever it takes to keep a customer in mind as we are ignored. We have skills that some people are payed large sums to perform.
