
Friday, November 29, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - IT'S ALL ABOUT US!

Considering that there  are less employees on the floor, these days, we do not always get the opportunity to hear the comments that shoppers make as they trek through our store.  And some of the comments we do hear are negative and not about anything that we, as employees, have any control over.

But I find that the things that the employees do have control over - well, we rate very high according to customers.

Usually in the evening there are new faces coming through the store, checking things out.  These people are easy to notice.  They walk slowly as they make their way through the departments eying the shelves, one by one.  Most usually these new customers are carrying a basket, instead of pushing a cart, and their heads seem to swivel back and forth.  Of course, you can't help but say, "Is there something I can help you find?"  Which is usually met with a smile and a nod of acknowledgement.

And since this was a week approaching a major holiday, there have been a lot of new faces along with some remarks as to what these shoppers think of our store.

I was stocking bananas when a customer came over to me and said, "You have a very nice Produce Department."  And later, as I was coming out of the prep room, I heard a comment as a couple passed me, "Yeah, but the store is so clean."

Sometime later I approached a customer, who seemed to be walking in circles, to find out if she was finding everything she needed.  "I must have that look." she said.  "Everyone here is nice and helpful."  "I have never shopped here before."

But, that's not all.

One of our weekly shoppers told our store manager that she had "a good crew here."  While another customer sent an email to corporate, praising the staff at our store.  The customer went as far as to say that they would never shop at K_____, as long as these employees, meaning us, were at this store.

To me, it is quite evident that what shoppers do like about our store is the cleanliness, assistance, personality and the department maintenance.

And when taking all of this into consideration, well - it kind of puts a whole new outlook on those so called, Mystery Shoppers. 

Don't ya think?

Talk at ya later!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - OPTION RECALL

It seems that everything going on, right now, is up for debate. 

No, I take that back - nothing seems to be up for debate, decisions are being made for me.

Be it at work, health insurance coverage (mandatory/cost increase), utility suppliers (chosen for you), phone service (services added w/o consent), to name a few.  Sometimes, I feel that I am only here to pay the bills.

And now another decision - this Blog.

I, like so many others out there in cyber-space, am now facing the wrath of Google Plus.  It took me awhile to figure that out.

Since technology is not my 'forte', I had to teach myself every aspect of not only putting together a Blog but also learning to put together a Youtube video.  Success was a long time coming but, as you can see, I managed to do it.

And then it changed.  Some of the options, that I had, were now gone.

The Blog page appearance had now changed.  No longer were the Followers posted on the page but instead I found them listed in the profile.  Now I am ecstatic to know that I have followers on this Blog, even if they are few, and I want others to see that, yes, some people do like to keep up with this Blog.  It's simply an ego thing.

And besides, it took me hours to figure out how to put all of this together - leave it alone.

But then I couldn't get into my Youtube account without my Laptop freezing up.  And then 'it' wanted me to use my name for the account, instead of the Blog title.  Of course, one cannot find another 'being' to talk to about these matters.

It was just one thing after another.

So I started asking around and searching on the web and found these problems to be normal and what they were related to and why- Google Plus.  In fact, mine were nothing compared to others which I read about.

So I searched and found out how to get rid of the headache and then ran into a different set of problems.

The Followers are now posted on the Blog page, but no comments can be made and the page cannot be recommended unless one is signed up with Google Plus.  No longer do I have Friends/Circles (I only knew 2).

Youtube is not posted on my tool bar any longer and I have to get into the account another way.

Within the last four days, and nights, that it has taken me to resolve part of this problem I have found that I am beginning to sympathize with customers.

I find that options are getting narrower and one must rely on the supplier, even when we don't want to.  And having it our way, is becoming an extinct notion. 

Nothing seems simple anymore.

Talk at ya later!


Friday, November 15, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - THE WORD; PASSIONATE

With all of the changes that have taken place, at the store, and certain events that have been witnessed - it would not be surprising to find employees becoming disgruntled.  This type of reaction would only be normal.

And to be honest, the mood has changed and the talk is different.   That is, until these employees begin their job.

Quite a few years ago, we had a manager that put a new word into the store's vocabulary - Passionate.  And that word came to be, because of me.

It was a usual working day and this manager had been given some instructions on how to change the Floral Department.  The change was that of a physical nature and not one that I was in support of.  The conversation between us, went back and forth; him with his instructions and me arguing the opposite.  And then finally, it was over.

He looked at me and said, "You are so (deep breath) passionate about what you do."  Later we realized that what he really was thinking was that of a different word (b----y), but was professional enough to use the word 'passionate' instead.  From then on, every time an employee would become argumentative in regard to their department the response would be, "Quit being so passionate."

Although I have not heard that word used in quite awhile I have, however, witnessed it being practiced.

We have gone through many changes these last few years, changes that have taken away the familiarity of what we were accustomed to and instead replaced with sadness, insecurities and financial loss.

But, for some reason, these feelings are not reflected in the jobs that these people do.

They still over extend themselves in their work performance, customer service and team work. 

And though their efforts may be overlooked, they choose to carry on as they have done for so many years.

Honestly, I don't think that it is a choice at all but instead it is just the type of people that they are;


Talk at ya later!