
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - ANOTHER DREAM

When an  employee has given many years of service (and is liked), and has decided that it is time to leave then it is customary to send them off with a cake, hugs and plenty of well-wishes.  And even though we may hate to see them go, we definitely understand and bid them farewell.

So goes it again, another employee has decided to follow a dream and she has made her departure. 

With a smile, this employee has served many years stocking the shelves, running a register and demonstrating kindness to customers.  Quiet by nature, she would always liven up when talking about her dream.  As an artist and writer, she demonstrated hard work, perseverance and never quit dreaming.  And finally, it has all paid off.

And even though I will miss seeing her, she has demonstrated something to us all; dreams really do come true.

So Shiloh, we will miss you - but, we are happy for you.

And to all of you other dreamers that punch a clock day after day?  Never quit dreaming!

Talk at ya later!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cinicigal Grocery Store Clerk - 'FLOWER POWER'

To title this Post, I have borrowed an old, familiar slogan from the '60's', which was used to represent peaceful movements against the Vietnam War.  Created by Allen Ginsberg, it is a phrase that is, 'considered a legacy', of it's time.

So, when dealing with a certain customer the words, 'Flower Power,' was the first thing that came to my mind.

This summer I have noticed some new faces that have begun to patronise our store and slowly, they have begun to acknowledge us when we greet them.  That is, all but one customer.  Weekly, this lady has been coming into the store and shop for her items but never would she respond when I would say, 'Hi'.  Why?  I haven't a clue, but have learned to accept the idea that not all people are basically, friendly.  So when I would be at a register, she would come through my line and when greeted she would grunt.

Her answers would be simple, if asked a question; 'Yes', 'No', 'Ok',  The tone in her voice never wavered and her facial expression would never change.  She never smiled, but then again she never complained.  So, for the last two months this is the way it has been - until now.

A few weeks ago, this customer came strolling through while I was working in the Floral Department.  I watched as she hovered over the bouquets of flowers in the cooler as if trying to decide which one grabbed her fancy, until she finally settled on a bouquet of Oriental Lillies.  Looking up, she spotted me and made her approach.  Of course my first thought was, 'Uh, oh.' 

"Are you the girl who does the flowers?" she asked.
"Yes, I am."  "Is there something I can help you with?"
"No."  "I just wanted to tell you, how beautiful your arrangements are."  "You do a good job." was her response.
"Thank you very much."

The customer went on to tell me how she buys a bouquet every week and always gives a few of the flowers to her neighbor, who is ill.  She thanked me and then went on her way.

When looking back, I do recall that each time she shopped I would see a bouquet  of flowers in her hand.

Needless to say, we are now friends.  Each time she sees me in the store, she waves and calls me by name.  No longer does she have a stern look on her face - now, she smiles.  And since our introduction in the Floral Department, I notice that she speaks to various employees.

This lady has now become a regular customer and has taken on the traits of our other regular customers; she seems happy to be here and has come to appreciate our employees and still gets a bouquet of flowers each time she shops.

Grocery shopping is a chore, I think most of us will agree on that.  It is something that we have to make time for in our busy schedules and yet, it is something we cannot avoid.  So, while doing a chore it is rather nice when we find something that lifts us, something that we can appreciate.  As in this case, something so simple made all of the difference.

Something as simple as a bouquet of flowers.

Talk at ya later!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - THE WILL TO SUCCEED

When the company and employees meet, it is usually to discuss what is new, where we are and what we want  to achieve.  It's a basic formula that keeps everyone up to date and in the know; ideas are shared, questions are answered and suggestions are offered.  It is kind of like a meeting of the minds, so to speak.  And today, I got to witness this approach and came away feeling proud of my fellow employees.

For a long time, I have wondered what it is that makes these people strive so hard.  What makes them go beyond what is expected of them, just what is it that pushes them to do their best and more?  Today, I found my answer.

It is a combination of things; pride, common sense and the will to succeed.  The pride, is in what and how they do their jobs and common sense is the approach that they take in order to accomplish this task.  And when all is said and done, every step that they take is to help the company succeed. 

They work with one aim in mind, pleasing the customer; making them want to come back. 

Today, I listened as they brought forth suggestions, provided insight and demonstrated an eagerness to accomplish whatever tasks necessary.

These people put thought into what they do and are consistent with their service.  They aim to not only do a job well, but to improve their store on a daily basis.  Their ideas were simple, and yet would provide better service.

I, applaud them. 

It goes without saying, that they do not need to be as accomplished as what they are.  They could, in fact, just do what was expected of them, pick up their paychecks and go to the house; but they don't.

And what is more - they probably never will.

Talk at ya later!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - FRIENDSHIPS

When you move to a new area, such as I did, you encounter quite a few challenges; learning your way around, not knowing anyone, the feeling of isolation, customs, where to shop - there is no 'how to book'.  And to get over these hurdles, one has to just jump in and try to overcome the situations at hand.  I found learning my way around a lot easier then meeting new people unless you consider the Meter Man, for the gas company, a formal introduction.  But try as you may, you find that everyone you encounter is, more or less, established in the area.  Usually, they are residents that have grown up in the area, have families and life long friends and, well - there is usually no need to meet anyone new.  Thus, the isolation.

But as time goes on, you have discovered where to shop and gotten lost enough times that you have learned your way around.  And although you find your new neighbors rather distant in approach, you still conjure up a smile and a wave as you pass them on the street.

I would like to say, that these challenges are short lived - but, they are not. 

But lucky for me, my station in life requires that I be employed.  And it is not until you find that 'dream job,' does your new social life take off.

These are the people who will work by your side during most of your waking hours.  They will come to know the real you and slowly, friendships will begin to evolve; some will be constant, while others will become fond acquaintances.  And if you are lucky, as I have been, these new acquaintances will end up being your friends through the long haul.

They become your lifeline, so to speak.  In need of direction?  They will point the way.  Need a ride, a shoulder, a confident, some assistance or how about a laugh or two?  They'll be there.

Friendships come from many directions in our lives; childhood, work, church, social, school, etc., and they are special.  Since these people are not family, they are given a choice - they don't have to like you.  But if they do, then  you are lucky.  We usually don't understand this until we find ourselves in unfamiliar surroundings and are forced to contend with the lack of companionship.

So, when things become a little discouraging - as they do from time to time - I simply reflect on these friendships which I have encountered over these last ten years.  They provide me with a sense of security and I know that all I have to do is to reach out.

And since being employed is inevitable, then I guess I am lucky with that as well.

Because, who would have thought that you could find people like this in a little grocery store on the west side of town?

Talk at ya later!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - DOGS, CATS & COCKATOOS

When a group of people work side by side, day after day, it is surprising to see just what it is that they all have in common.  Where the job scene may bring people together that have different backgrounds, views and economical standards, it will ultimately be the feelings, the human emotions, that make these people blend together.  Thus showing us all, that we have so much in common.

And the one thing that a lot of us have in common, is that we are pet owners.  Many of us are ruled by these creatures that we have come to adore.  It is said, that a pet depends on it's owner for it's care and well being.  I, on the other hand, have often felt that this thought to be reversed; we depend on them for our well being.  These creatures that control our lives with their wants and needs, fill our thoughts when something just doesn't feel right and continuously leave their impression in our every day conversations, have come to provide us with a purpose; we are needed. 

Some of us have cats, while others have dogs and one of us has a Cockatoo, named Susie.  Together we discuss the things that they do which expresses our deep rooted feelings for these creatures.  And when one of these treasured beings becomes ill, or is ready to pass on, we all seem to share the emotional tie with the owner.

A few years ago, my dog passed away quite suddenly.  Although he had lived a long and healthy life, his sudden departure was, needless to say, a heart breaking experience.  Afterwards, I went to work and on my work table I found a card; a sympathy card for a dog owner.  That one gesture, by fellow employees, left a lasting impression on me.

So, even though we are different, we are all basically the same.  And that is a good thing. 

We have provided each other a place that allows us to share our stories, our dreams and anything else that comes along our way; like dogs, cats and Cockatoos.

Talk at ya later!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - THE PROBLEM SOLVERS

During these last two weeks, I have attempted to try my hand at becoming a  'do-it-yourself ', gal.  Uh, not going too well.  But I have not thrown in the wrench, just yet.

One of the advantages of working  at the store, is all of the information one can tap into when attempting to overcome a dilemma.  Have a problem with a car, an electronic issue or just need to find out who to call for a repair?  Just go to work and throw that problem out there and the responses will come pouring in.

A week ago, the port connections to my Laptop were not working correctly and I would have to jiggle it in order to get my Mouse to make tracks across my screen.  So, I asked a few knowledgeable co-workers and they offered some possibilities to the problem.  One thought it might be the 'mother-board?' while another co-worker suggested a software problem.  And a customer chimed in with the possibility that I just might need a new Mouse.  And the winner was?  The Mouse.   Simple, cheap and I was a 'happy camper.'

And then the following week I went to work with another dilemma, no I take that back - there were two dilemmas.  The night before I had been using the shower and, to my dismay, the water would not turn off all the way.  So, the next day I went to work and lo and behold, one of the girls gave me some instruction as to what needed to be done to take care of my plumbing issue.  Well, I went home and pulled out the big tool box, with an accumulation of tools that I am still learning to use, and proceeded to follow the instructions I had been given.  Things were going well, but the stem would not come out.  So, I resorted to the Laptop with the new Mouse and Googled the problem, watched the video and went back to playing plumber. 

Since this exercise was getting me nowhere I resorted to stopping at the hardware store on my way to work the next day, where I bought a can of spray to help me retrieve the stem.  Leaving the  hardware store, I ran into another dilemma - my car started vibrating and wanting to stall. 

The rest of my day was spent asking questions relating to automotive and plumbing and my co-workers, and a customer, were more than happy to provide some possible scenarios. So for the plumbing, well we are headed back to the hardware store.  And the car?  Well it is in the hands of my wonderful mechanic and there is no word yet.

What is nice, though, is that these people kind of provide me a sense of security.  With no one else to depend on, but myself, I find that others are usually far more knowledgeable than I am.  Most generally, there will be someone who will have had the same problem and either has a solution or knows who to call to get the job done.  And what is really nice is that they are always eager to provide the information and have been very resourceful in the past.

So, here's to all of these 'do it yourselfers', their experiences help provide me with solutions to those annoying problems that arise from time to time.

And do I think that I can follow their lead?  Like I said, I'm not ready to throw in the wrench just yet!

Talk at ya later!


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - HERE'S TO THE LAST TEN YEARS

Today marks a milestone for me;  I have now been employed at the store for ten years.  Who would've thought?  Not me, that is for sure.  Nor my friends for that matter.  They said that I wouldn't last, that I was not cut out for this type of employment.  I guess, we were all wrong; either that, or the store was desperate for help.   Whatever, it has now been ten years.

I remember my first impression - damn, these people work too hard.  And my second impression?  I could not believe how people acted when they became customers. But once in the door, I began to evolve and have been evolving ever since.

It has been the coaching and the tremendous patience that my co-workers have provided me, over the years, that helped me to sustain during this decade.  Through them I learned how to handle myself, use my imagination, be creative and learned how to be a team player.   They took this highly opinionated person and brought me down a peg or two by teaching me skills and showing me what I was really capable of doing. 

Customer Service is a difficult job and not one that everyone can do.  It can be exhausting, hurtful, difficult, humiliating and at times, exasperating.  There is no significant gain and the personal satisfaction depends on you.  As I have stated before, 'Customer Service is not a learned behaviour, it is something that comes from within'.

I know that I have not really made a difference in this store, with my service, for all I have really accomplished is to fill a space.  It is, however, the employees that I have worked with over the years that have made a difference in me.

And as far as lessons go, well, there have been many.  But the most important lesson that I have learned is that no matter what you do for a living it takes skill, knowledge and the will to want to do it - this is what makes all employees, professionals.

So, here's to the last ten years - I survived.

And with that thought I seem to recall a conversation, which I overheard ten years ago, between two former employees and it went something like this:

"What about that new girl?"
"Ah, don't worry, she won't be here long!"


Talk at ya later!