Grocery shopping, for some of us, might be a weekly venture. While for others it may be daily, bi-weekly or even monthly. No matter what our shopping schedule is, there is one thing that most grocery shoppers have in common; when the weatherman calls for SNOW/ICE, we head to the grocery store. Items of chocolate, deli meats, desserts, coffee, beer, wine, and of course eggs and milk, are the most treasured items After all, if there is a chance that we are going to be stuck in the house then, we might as well plan on enjoying it. And then, of course, there seems to be a lot of pet food that is sold during these shopping excursions. I, for one, would hate to be stuck in the house with Miss Giz, should she be out of food.
So with the weathermen informing the public that ice was in the forecast, grocery shoppers hit the stores. Trying to beat the storm, people hurried to collect the essentials and get to the house - the race was on.
As our shoppers gathered their delights, and must haves, they hit the checkout lanes. Now being a cashier, during these times, calls for non-stop action. In fact two hours can go by in just minutes, or so it seems. When you are relieved for a break, it will finally hit you as to how much movement has been involved in that time span. The knees are a little stiff from standing so long and the arms, continue to vibrate from the constant motion of scanning and bagging. But other than that, you make a run for it. During these times, one never knows when they will be able to get away again.
Times like these call for a staff that is willing to work and actually do, whatever is necessary to accommodate the customers. Be it running a register, bagging, assisting, stocking or serving, all employees have to be willing to jump in and take on these responsibilities, without hesitation. And last night, they did. But it's just not the hourlies that have to handle these responsibilities, the managers take it on as well. In fact, unless you looked at their name badges, you would never have known who were managers and who were the hourlies. Everybody was pitching in. And from what I saw, come through the checkout lanes, it is a safe bet that the Deli girls were running at top speed.
One after another, the customers came filing through and everyone was in a good mood and looking forward to the weekend, no matter what kind of weather we were in for. So there was a lot of chatting and laughing going on when one customer came along and, rather loudly, announced that she was a little upset that they were having to wait in line. Now upon hearing this noise, customers turned, looked and shook their heads at this attitude being displayed. Unfortunately, this customer continued their attitude towards a cashier when checking out. Just for the record, this cashier handled it very professionally and just let the customer go on. A definite HIGH FIVE to this cashier. He did a great job in ignoring the attitude being thrown his way and still served the customer.
Another HIGH FIVE, goes to the guy who was able to handle the floor by himself. As the evening wore on, and the traffic was beginning to slow, some shifts were coming to an end. During this time, there was one person who manned the Customer Service Desk, U-Scan and assisted the problems that arose at various registers - all at one time. It was like there was a motor attached to this employee, as he ran from spot to spot, taking care of everything that needed done. Thanks Ben.
But in all fairness, I have to say that a HIGH FIVE goes to our managers. They were there and worked right alongside of us and never let us down. And one to the Front line Manager, who said, "thank you", and stated, "Good job, everyone."
HIGH FIVE, a term that is used by corporate to give recognition to the exceptional deeds that are done by an employee/employees for outstanding job performance; going beyond expectations. But, as for me, I don't think that there is a term that can define the work performance that comes out of this little store. The exceptional attitudes, of these employees, is what makes them perform the way that they do. Again, leading me to believe that good Customer Service is not a learned behaviour, it is something that comes from within.
Talk at ya later!