
Friday, November 2, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES

From time to time we, employees, like to reminisce.  We will speak of former employees, customers, and managers along with everything that we experienced during those days of long ago. 

In those days, we were a busy store.

The lines at the cash registers were never ending and when you left after a shift, you were literally dragging yourself out the door.  It was a time when frustration and laughter went hand in hand.  And if you didn't feel either of these emotions, well then, you weren't working hard enough.

Unfortunately, as time went on, things began to change. 

But this week, we got  a chance to revisit our past.

All the thanks goes to one of our employees who took the time to create, and frame, a collage - of  us.

Having assembled from so many pictures, this employee provided  us with a window to our past.  There they all were, past and present employees, with smiles on their faces and some in goofy poses.  We laughed as we pointed and named them all.   And the stories we can tell, makes us laugh all the harder.

We have all enjoyed this trip back to the past and have discovered how much we miss so many of those smiling faces.  And even though we realise that we can never recapture those times, it sure has brought a smile and a lot of laughter recalling them.

But tonight, amongst the pictures, I saw one that kind of says it all. 

The store manager that we have now, had been here some years ago.  In fact, this is where he did his training.  And when it was time for him to move on, he was given a party.  He was presented with a big poster board complete with signatures and pictures of his staff, along with the words, 'Good Luck'.  But on the bottom of the poster board, were these words that stood out the most;


Enough said!

Talk at ya later!

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