
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - A SURPRISE OR TWO

Every once in awhile, you can have a day that is uplifting with a surprise or two.  Such was the case this last holiday weekend.

As with all holidays, customers were busy shopping for the weekend festivities.  Everyone preparing  to celebrate the last hurrah of summer.  Everyone but us, of course.  Be that as it may, everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

Unfortunately, there was one customer that didn't quite see it that way.

This was a busy weekend for the Deli and the waiting lines did have a tendency to grow.  One of the big ticket items, for the weekend, was fried chicken.  The fryer and Deli employees were constantly busy trying to keep up with the demand of this highly popular item.  No sooner was one batch of chicken done, then another batch would be put in the fryer and the prepared chicken would end up selling quickly before the next batch was done.  A never ending cycle. 

Even though the employees went nonstop there was a customer who felt that that was not enough.  Disgruntled that the new batch of chicken was not ready, a customer voiced their opinion as to what was needed in order to keep up with the demand; more employees/more fryers.  And with their opinion (demand)  being given to an employee, the customer wanted to take it a step further and see a manager.  Okay.

By now the customer has received so many apologies and the attempts to please the customer were ignored - the customer stomped out of the store.  Thus leaving one poor Deli employee, who had taken the brunt of the complaint, worn down after so many attempts to take care of the situation.

A little later I happened to walk by the Deli and saw that very same customer, she was back and standing in line in front of the Deli counter.

The Deli employee, being professional, greeted the customer and the two exchanged words.  And here's the good part of all of this, the customer apologized to the employee.  By now, the chicken was done, the customer's order was filled and everybody went away happy.

I guess that we all talked about that for the rest of the afternoon.

Later in the evening things had quieted down and it was my turn to go home.  I happened to be walking out the door the same time as another customer was leaving.  The customer, holding her shopping bags, stopped and asked me if I would mind doing her a favor.  In one of her bags was a box of ice cream bars which she pulled out and opened. 

According to the customer this ice cream is the best and having had a discussion with the cashier, who had not tasted this yet, she wanted to send her an ice cream bar.  So, the customer gave me two ice cream bars, one for each cashier, and I was more then happy to be the bearer of such a tasty treat.

The cashiers were surprised and delighted.

Even though we did not get to celebrate the holiday weekend like others did, we did, however, have a day that was uplifting with a surprise or two.

Talk at ya later!


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