
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Grocery Store Clerk - IN REVIEW

Today, I have taken the time to review the posts on this Blog.  I find that what started out as a Blog to give notice to the employees, that I work with, has evolved into quite a few entries relating to the customers and descriptions of Customer Service.  Unbeknown to me, customers and employees seem to go hand in hand.  And while reviewing these entries, I have noticed the caring and hard work that these employees demonstrate; not only to their jobs, but to each other.  These profiles show how they feel about the jobs that they do and what they think of their store.

As I read on, I came across a few entries giving reference to research and comments on the subject of employees and customer service, along with quoted opinions and surveys on the matter.  When I was done, however, I found that my opinions remain the same;  good 'Customer Service' is not a learned behaviour it is something that comes from within, good employees do not come, "a dime a dozen," and a company's strength is in it's employees.  But above all, though, I still wonder what makes so many of these employees be so dedicated to what they do and why is it that they over extend themselves for the people that they serve and work for?

The conditions, under which these employees work, are sometimes chaotic and they must be able to multi-task in order to complete the work load and serve the customers. Their earnings depend on the amount of hours they are allowed to work -which is most generally in question, and the benefits do not provide much.  Generally the work is physically and mentally strenuous, depending on the department one works, and when clocking in for a shift one never knows what to expect.   The amount of responsibilities, associated with these professions, can be overwhelming and are definitely underpaid.  And to top it all off, working in this profession is not considered to be amongst the professional sector of the employment world, instead it is considered a 'mediocre job'.  Or, as I once overheard someone say, it has been regarded to that of being 'a servant.'

I have been in the professional sector of employment and my salary warranted my education, skills and responsibilities.  Not so in this field; although I have plenty of responsibilities, I lack the education for this type of job and my skills are OJT.  However, I witness many employees who take on many specialized responsibilities and their earnings, judging from the comments posted on this Blog, do not reflect what they do.  Still, they continue to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities and strive to portray what the company expects.  They maintain an upbeat attitude and are always willing to assist anyone in need which provides their employer with dedication.  And for the customers, they often provide service way beyond the call of  'good customer service'.  In many ways, these co-workers of mine, surpass me in the service and hard work that they provide on a daily basis.  Although, never in my life have I worked as hard as what I do now.  And it is through this insight that I grew to respect the people that I work with.

In conclusion, this Blog reveals how these people do their jobs, with dignity and grace, while under the pressures of this market and the public.  It provides us an insight as to the type of people that they are and shows how they are a credit to themselves and to the company that they represent.  Besides,  they provide something that will never go out of style - Customer Service.

Talk at ya later!

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