
Monday, August 4, 2014

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - IT'S NOT PERSONAL, BUT......

A few weeks ago, the company made the decision to take quite a few full-time employees and make them part-time employees  - hence, the 40-60 ratio.  With this decision each employee, that had their status changed, was given the opportunity to either accept the position or take a package deal which consisted of so many weeks of paid vacation.  I don't know how many stayed or left, I only know the one employee from our store that decided to leave.

I am sure that those that were given the grim news of their positions felt like the bottom had just dropped out of their immediate futures.  I mean, go to work one day and bam - guess what. 

As is the norm around here, the real devastating news is kept secret until the ball is dropped.  And although we have tried to undermine any future changes, we sometimes miss the real big changes - two to be exact.

So for the weeks leading up to the date of August 4th, the date given for all those departing, this one employee's co-workers tried to convince them that it was a mistake to leave.  "Part-time is better then no job at all." the employee was told.  Comments such as this, and others, became the typical conversation during these lingering weeks.

But the employee was firm in their decision.  So, I just had to ask what brought them to this decision and did they really feel that it was the best for their immediate future.  Their answer was a resounding, "Yes."

After having worked, I believe, nine years with no black marks against them this decision of eliminating their full-time position was like a 'slap in the face.'  And to be honest, they felt that there was no way that they would be able to come in and give 100% to their job anymore and that would not be right to do to their co-workers.

In knowing this employee, I know that they are going through quite a bit of anguish right now with a close family member fighting a debilitating illness.  And now, this latest action at work has just added more stress in their life. 

As for their immediate future, who knows what may come around.  But this employee is positive in the decision that they have made.

This latest decision does not affect me.  Back in February, I made the decision to retire.

There has been a couple of times since, that I have been asked if I had had an inside tip as to what would happen in the future.  My response was, no.  The decision that I made was due to common sense.  I had lost five hours, sales continued to drop, we had lost most of our benefits and the decisions that were being made had not helped to turn business around - it just kept declining.

Had I not made that decision, when I did, I have no doubt that I would have been dropped to part-time as well.  At which time I am sure that I would have stroked out and could only hope that I would have done it on company time.

Since this latest decision, we now seem to be faced with an ever ending parade of new faces coming into the store to replace those hours saved with this latest company move.  The time saved is replaced with minimum wage/part-time.

There is no doubt in anyone's mind - there will be more changes.  And when you take into consideration the morale, I'm not so sure that we care anymore. 

All of these changes that so many companies have incorporated into their business operations does not seem to be improving sales/profit.  There's a reason for that;

They have cut the spending power.

Talk at ya later!

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