
Friday, October 4, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - WHAT'S IN A NAME?

What is in a name?  A name is what we identify and associate things with.  It is how we identify each other and associate with businesses, products and the list goes on. 

Today I attended a meeting, at the store, that was designed to introduce to the employees the new changes of business that are about to take place in our store.  And one of the biggest changes will be that of the name - the old one is coming down and a new one is going up.

When I came here, this store (company) was known for having the best produce around.  It out did all the competition.  So, say the name and people would automatically associate it with fresh produce.  Unfortunately, that changed when the company brought in a different supplier.  But there were other qualities that were associated with the name.

The name stood for great Customer Service, friendly atmosphere and genuine low prices.  Unfortunately, the low prices kind of phased out thus leading to another change.

I work with some employees who worked, at one time or another, for other grocery companies.  And if the companies no longer exist, they talk about what it was like and what the name of the grocery company stood for in regard to customers.  And, more often then not, you can tell that they are happy to recall the name of the company they had been associated with. 

And now it will be our turn.

This is the store that made me the kind of employee I became.  And it is here, that I have learned about Customer Service, team work, how to create sales and business in general.

So when that big sign comes down from the building, I know that it is the name that will be remembered and what it will be remembered for;

Customer Service - the only thing that never changed.

Talk at ya later!

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