
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - ONE STOP SHOP - NO MORE!

As with any thing new that comes into ones life, adjustments must be made to accommodate the change taking place.  And, I have found that I am no exception to this rule.

For quite awhile now, we have been expecting some changes to start taking place at the store - the only question was when it would happen.

So, with five hours being cut from my schedule it was time to try and take control of the situation; a situation I was prepared for.

Having already dropped any needless utility expense, I was ready to go onto phase two - health insurance.  With the new health care laws about to come into play, I did the numbers and reviewed the future prospects of fines and had decided that this was my only route to go at this time: sorry, Mr. President.

Next on the agenda - grocery shopping.

I do not have a car payment (vehicle is 27 yrs.), my mortgage is cheaper then rent, don't have cable, do not shop or go out to eat, no entertainment costs and I have not been on a vacation since I moved here 12 years ago.  So the only thing left to cut cost on, is my food expenditure.

After 11 years, I am having to change grocery stores.  What I have discovered is that, I am not alone.

I like shopping at our store and for all of the various reasons that most customers like, when patronizing a grocery store;  the convenience, staff, quality etc..  And to tell you the truth, this is the one cut that bothers me the most.

I am not going to find produce that is as good as what we handle, nor will I find a staff that is as helpful as what we are.

My allotted expense is a fraction of what I use to spend.  Before I became an empty nester a year ago, I spent $400.00/month.  Then my food expenditure went to $200/month.  Now this expense not only took in food but it also covered toiletries, hair care, pet care, pharmaceutical and anything else we handled.  I never patronized Target, Wal-Mart, Kroger for my personal needs - all expenses went to our store.

So as I leave, after a shift, I must remember not to grab a cart. 

This will be hard to do. 

No longer will I be able to invest in where I work; for 11 years, I reinvested my paycheck in my employer.

Now I am going to go out and venture through the world of grocery land and become like every other shopper out there - a 'cherry picker'. 

As I begin my new venture, as a consumer, I only have one statement to make;
'I am so going to miss shopping here!'

Talk at ya later!


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