
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - THE PRIDE THING

There was an employee, yesterday, that kind of made a big difference for his department, for the store.  And well, I just thought we might sing his praises.

A very large order had come through for two different departments.  Each department had a sizable amount of preparation to do, in order to fulfill this order.  In the meantime, the departments printed out the necessary UPCs for the customer, who took them to a clerk to be rung up.

Once the preparation, for the order, was done each department boxed, and put the prepared orders into the coolers to await the pickup. 

Having given some thought to this order, an employee suggested that I might want to double check that receipt and make sure that everything from his department was listed.  There had been four orders, each in the same amount, but only one UPC had been printed out.  And even though he had marked it as the total times four - well, you get the idea.

So, I heeded his suggestion and sure enough he was right. 

When examining the receipt, of the suspended order, I found that the customer had provided the UPCs to the clerk to be scanned but had failed to tell her that there were four items, to one of the UPCs, so the clerk only scanned the UPC once.  Once the oversight was caught, the clerk added the other three items to the suspended order.

Now this made a considerable amount of difference in the sale.

What made the department clerk think of this happening?  And why would he even give it any consideration? 

After all, he was the employee who had allegedly failed to greet a Mystery Shopper and naturally, this was brought to his attention. 

So, here you have an employee who had failed to greet a customer but was able to successfully fill a large order and had the common sense to double check the final sale; without being told to.

Why go to so much extra trouble? 

Most of the employees are diligent about their jobs.  They work these jobs, as if they were working for themselves.  And the other reason is, their store manager.   The employees not only like him but respect him and this calls for dedicated employees.  It makes all of the difference.

Our clerk did a great job.  He pleased a customer and 'thought outside the box'.

And even though his actions will go unnoticed, unlike the Mystery Shopper, he can take pride in a job well done.

And the company can take pride, in knowing the kind of employees they have working for them.

Talk at ya later!


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