
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - BET YA!

So, once again someone has come through our store and rated us and - we flunked; or, so I am told. 

"How can this be, who was it?" asked an employee.  Good question.

This store is known for being the friendliest, most helpful and most dedicated to their job, so say the customers.  We are told, by the customers, that we rank higher than at least two other stores.; one store is considered the number one in sales, while the other is located just a matter of miles away.

And to back up this claim, all one has to do is to read the different posts on this Blog.

So, how did someone go unnoticed, as they made their way through the store?  Being the realist, that I am, I would say that many of the employees were probably stocking and helping customers.  One has to take into consideration that employees have to contend with less hours and less staff which adds up to more work.  Not to mention the other departments they have to assist in.  And yet, even with this overload, employees still seem to make it work.

These Mystery Shopper reports have been going on for years. And the one thing that I have noticed is that this is, almost always, the one thing that provides companies the excuse that they need for why sales are down; fingers are pointed.  That is a shame.

And during this time, I have also noticed that companies do not seem to take note of what their employees are up against while maintaining their businesses.

Over these last ten years I have witnessed employees being yelled at, cussed out, grabbed, swatted, hit with carts, called various names and humiliated.  But never have I witnessed anyone, in management, come to their aid.  Much less, thank them for their tolerance.  And the funny thing is, these outbursts never had anything to do with the employees, themselves.

And if that were not enough, employees today face a far bigger dilemma than unhappy customers - crime.  And yet, no extra measures are taken for their protection.

So when you take all of this into consideration, I think that it is safe to assume that employees are probably doing a very good job; with customers, as well as keeping up with their work load.

And the one thing about these employees, that you might not find at other stores, is that they like their store and take pride in their work.  Their outgoing personalities keep many local shoppers coming back and their customer service is consistent and never falters.

So, if a company wants to find out what the customers think of their store - just hang out at the entrance, or exit, and ask the customers.  One will find that customers are very straight forward and eager to tell you.

And whats more, one will probably find that any problems which may exist generally have nothing to do with the employees.

I'ld bet my paycheck on it!

Talk at ya later!

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