
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - DOGS, CATS & COCKATOOS

When a group of people work side by side, day after day, it is surprising to see just what it is that they all have in common.  Where the job scene may bring people together that have different backgrounds, views and economical standards, it will ultimately be the feelings, the human emotions, that make these people blend together.  Thus showing us all, that we have so much in common.

And the one thing that a lot of us have in common, is that we are pet owners.  Many of us are ruled by these creatures that we have come to adore.  It is said, that a pet depends on it's owner for it's care and well being.  I, on the other hand, have often felt that this thought to be reversed; we depend on them for our well being.  These creatures that control our lives with their wants and needs, fill our thoughts when something just doesn't feel right and continuously leave their impression in our every day conversations, have come to provide us with a purpose; we are needed. 

Some of us have cats, while others have dogs and one of us has a Cockatoo, named Susie.  Together we discuss the things that they do which expresses our deep rooted feelings for these creatures.  And when one of these treasured beings becomes ill, or is ready to pass on, we all seem to share the emotional tie with the owner.

A few years ago, my dog passed away quite suddenly.  Although he had lived a long and healthy life, his sudden departure was, needless to say, a heart breaking experience.  Afterwards, I went to work and on my work table I found a card; a sympathy card for a dog owner.  That one gesture, by fellow employees, left a lasting impression on me.

So, even though we are different, we are all basically the same.  And that is a good thing. 

We have provided each other a place that allows us to share our stories, our dreams and anything else that comes along our way; like dogs, cats and Cockatoos.

Talk at ya later!


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