
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Grocery Store Clerk - TO BE MISSED

Most generally when an employee is no longer around, they become missed.   It makes no difference if they have left for another job or transferred to another store, if they were liked then they are missed.  And when you stop to think about it, it is like bestowing an honor;  to have a group of people that think that much of you.  Because if we are lucky enough to be liked that much then it means that we are respected  and our friendship is revered.  Next to love, what more can we ask for out of life?

So goes it for one of our employees.  This young woman was faced with a family emergency which left her, and her family, in dire straights both financially and medically.  The stress must have been unbearable at times, not knowing what the future would bring.  And to have three young children to care for as well, would have pushed a lot of us over the top.  But, she hung in there and five months later has returned to work.

There were hugs and smiles all around when she walked back into the building.  People clamored to see her, and she them.  As she approached each employee, she thanked them for their support during those months and said, that she didn't know what she would have done without them.  She acted like these employees had been her salvation.  There were employees who bought necessities for the children, groceries, gave financially and some, that had the knowledge, helped her through the process of getting needed assistance.

Now that this employee has returned, she will find out just how much she has been missed.  There will be many customers who will be glad to see her, because they have never stopped asking about her.  As for her future, should she need an ear, or  a shoulder, there will be plenty  to go around.  And if she needs any direction, well that will be available too.

These things that just happen in our lives, make us stronger - or, so I have heard said.  If this is true, I do not know.  But the one thing that I have noticed is that when people go through these hardships, it makes them more understanding.  It gives us incite and most generally, I find that, these are the very people who turn around and help others through their times of need. 

So, as our employee has found out, she is much liked and was very much missed.  Her co-workers demonstrated  how much they thought of her and through their respect for her, they helped her through a tough time.

When I was in school, being liked that much meant that you were 'popular'.  Now that I am an adult, I realize that it is a gift.

Talk at ya later!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It is definitely the kind words, thoughts, prayers and help given in time of need that sometime reveals to us for the first time just how much someone does care! Joyce
