
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Grocery Store Clerk - MY CHECKLIST

Today, I am going to write about myself.  Yep, I am going to put me right out there with everyone else.  I think the reason that I don't write about me, is because of all of the good things that I see my co-workers do on a daily basis.  It always makes me wonder if I would do as good a job if I were in their positions.  In other words, I feel maybe a little intimidated. 

But, all of that has now changed since I have been put under the microscope of the Mystery Shopper. 

A manager recently informed me that I had had a Mystery Shopper come through my checkout lane - and, they got it wrong.  There were two things that I had failed to do, according to the review.  First;  I failed to circle the amount of pump perks on the receipt with a red pen (what red pen?), that the customer receives with their purchase.  Second; I was not wearing my pump perk strip (or whatever you call that long, bright, yellow strip hanging from my name badge), which the manager noticed right away, that I was wearing it.

Okay, so with this in mind I decided to pay particular attention to everything I did at work today.  From the time I pulled in and parked my car, until I left.  Now maybe this sounds a little off beat, but how I perform at my job is important to me.  I care how I am perceived, be it customers, employees or management.

Arriving at work, I pulled into a parking space and noticing a vacated cart, which I grabbed and took it into the store with me.  I lost count as to how many times I was down on my hands and knees cleaning up smashed blueberries and grapes, in order to prevent a fall.  And then there was the smashed bakery item, next to the demo tray, that I happened to stumble into and cleaned it up.  When passing through the store a customer asked me where the carts were  kept and I told him that I would go get him one, which I did.

When coming back from my dinner break, I was making my way through the Produce Department, when a customer stopped me and asked me if I worked in Produce.  Instead of saying, "No, I am a cashier tonight and am currently off of the clock." I said, "How can I help you?"  She wanted a container of Concord Grapes, but each of the containers had so many that didn't look too good and would I condense them and make one container of good ones.  "Sure.", I said.  When I was done, she was happy and thanked me and I said, "Happy to do it."  I then made my way upstairs to the time clock and of course I was late clocking back in.

A couple of hours later, my shift was over.  As I made my way to the time clock I passed through the Produce Department.  On top of the tomatoes were empty produce bags  and I grabbed them as I walked by and shoved them into my pocket (this is a habit I need to stop, I keep finding them in my washer).

Now I would say, it is safe to assume, that there was no Mystery Shopper around to see any of the deeds which I did today.  But, I find that that is okay.  Because when I left work tonight, I felt like I had accomplished a good day.

Talk at ya later!

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