
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Well, three posts in one day.  I am on a roll.  This could extend from the fact that I live alone and there is no one to share any of these thoughts with.  Since it is just me and my cat, yes, I think I am becoming known as the cat lady - according to my son.  And since the only friends that I have here, work at the store, there is no one to listen.  My cat, Miss Gizzy, has tried to listen.  When I come home she will jump up on the bar stool and watch me as though she is listening.  But within a minute of my telling her about my day, she jumps down and disappears into the next room.   I really should think about getting a life.

But, since I have started this Blog, my friends are taking note of my day to day life as a Grocery Store Clerk.  Now my friends live all over and most of them are in the professional  sector of employment.  Having read my entries has prompted quite a few emails, only one comment (thanks Joyce) and two followers (much appreciated Cuz). 

Joyce's comment was flattering and Cuz's text made me feel accomplished, and then there are the emails.  This I will share;  'Are you nuts?" You use to do legal petitions and briefs, now you are elaborating on Customer Service?", "By the way, what is a skid?"  And, one friend thought that it was interesting.  Now I adore my friends and have known them all for the last 15 - 25 years of my life.  Each of them are different and have meant much to me and provided me much support when times were bad.  I am grateful for them all. 

But my Blog has brought them some thoughts, either to my career path in life or as to how they now notice things when they grocery shop.  One friend said, that the people I work with sound great.  Where she shops the employees don't even look at you.  She lives out of state.  Another friend said, that when she checked out at her local grocery she took the time to look up at her cashier and smile.  Her cashier smiled back.  And with these comments, I am getting stories about their experiences when they shop.  It is easy to see that most people do not give a second thought to grocery shopping unless it has to do with sales and coupons.  Slowly, I think my friends are starting to come around. 

Now that I have started my friends thinking about their shopping trips to the grocery store, I am sure that I will hear more about their excursions.  This is rather comical, something  that is so simple can make such a big difference.

And as for the overall view of this?  Well, it is clear to see that there are not a lot of grocery stores that have the kind of employees that we have.  And if the emails, that I have received, are any indication then there are at least eleven people who wished that they could shop in a store like ours.

Talk at ya later! 

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