
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - MY INSPIRATIONS

Recently, I received an email from an artist that wanted to know if they could interview me for their website.   Well, gee, didn't I feel privileged.  After all, I hadn't been asked that question in years - 1995 to be exact.  Been awhile.

So, once I got over my short ego trip, I responded with a, "Sure!"

Within days the questions, for the interview, were emailed to me.  I quickly scanned the questions and mentally provided the answers and decided to give the piece my full concentration on my next day off.  But in the meantime, my mind continued to review the emailed questions and my responses flooded my brain.

One of the questions asked was 'what inspires' me.

Naturally, as an artist, one would expect responses such as, 'the sun streaking through the trees, fluffy clouds sailing across the sky, shadows cast in midafternoon', and the list goes on.  But while I was trying hard to think of what inspires me, I found that it had nothing to do with art at all.

It's where I work, where I live, and the people I encounter day after day.  For even though I may encounter some people that are real, YOU KNOW WHATS, I find more people that are generous, caring and kind.

It's the smile on a parent's face as they hug their child, the laughter from a person as they share a story, a smile that a person shares with a passerby or the kindness one shows as they help someone.

It's the sense of security one finds in a friendship, the warmth of a hug and a 'thankyou', the gratitude we feel when someone cares and the awesome feeling one gets when a family member says, "I love you."

And last, but not least, the smile that's brought to my face as Miss Gizzy curls up beside me as I sit here typing this post.

Years ago, when I started to paint, I would walk through the mountains that surrounded my home to find inspiration.  Today, I go to a store and clock in for work.

So, what is the answer to that question?

My inspiration is what surrounds me - it is life.

Talk at ya later!


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