
Monday, March 19, 2012

Grocery Store Clerk - MY NAME IS ........

Each of us that work in the grocery store, wear a name badge.  This makes it easier for a customer to identify the person who they may wish to either complain about or, in some cases, praise.  And on these badges may be listed the amount of years the associate has been with the company and/or what department they represent.  Unless, of course, one is a manager and then the badge becomes a little more descriptive.  Other then that, the badge that we wear just signifies who we are. But, to a customer this badge represents much more then name only.  It signifies that this person works for this particular establishment and that should there be a problem then this is the person to discuss the matter with;  or better yet, one that may be used for venting purposes.

The problems usually consist of selection, prices, sales or practices.  And even though a clerk has absolutely no control over these particular categories it will be they, not corporate, who will be more inclined to hear about these complaints.  There have been days that seem to be filled with complaints and when the day is done, I have to examine that name badge attached to my uniform to see exactly how it reads;  no, I don't see the initials CEO or the word Corporate anywhere.  In other words, we become the culprit for things that go wrong and decisions that are made.

But even though these occurrences arise, every now and then, I am glad that I wear this name badge.  When I am busy running between departments, trying to get an order out, assisting a customer or just trying to get caught up, hearing my name being called out and looking up to a smiling customer just kind of makes my day.  These people know me and go out of their way to speak to me when they come to shop.  That really does make me feel good.  And this very same thing happens for so many employees.  So last night it was not the least bit surprising when I heard a customer mention two of our employees, by name, and state that the reason that they shop at this store is because of these two guys and the customer service which they provide. That is kind of like an honor, if you stop to think about it, that a customer comes to shop, in this particular store, because of a couple of employees and how they represent the store.  HIGH FIVE to Alex and Ben!

And then of course there are the nice things that customers do for us.  As the evening was coming to a close one of our customers came in the store bearing gifts.  His wife had made a dessert and sent each of us a container filled with this scrumptious delight.  Just for the record, half of mine was already devoured by the time I got home.  What a wonderful surprise!

So in conclusion, I can say that I do not mind wearing my name badge for all to see.  Even though there are times that this badge becomes a means that provides customers an excuse to vent, this name badge has also provided an introduction to a lot of great people, that just happen to be customers.

Talk at ya later!

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