
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - LASTING IMPRESSION

Customer Service - Oops, here we go again. 

In my opinion, this remains the most over-used caption in the retail world.  Somewhere along the way it was decided that, to smile and say, 'Hi, how are you today.',  would be the ticket to attract and maintain customers.  But, as I have witnessed, it aint so.  As one customer informed me. 'I don't care if they smile or even look at me - as long as I am saving money.'   Once I asked a manager as to why the company continued to emphasize Customer Service when, in all reality, so many other things were being overlooked.  Things that made a much bigger impression on the customer.  The manager's response was simple and to the point, 'That's all the company has to offer.' 

Which leads one to think that Customer Service is sometimes used as a cover-up.

But I also believe that Customer Service has another side, and it all depends on the person/employee that provides it.

When an employee has a connection, with their job, they demonstrate it in their performance.  How one does their work, treats the customers and can be depended on shows the sincerity of the employee.  And it is that sincerity that provides a connection with the customers.  Not only is the employee assisting the customer but, the employee establishes a bond with the customer that makes them want to come back.  Unfortunately, this can only be attained by the type of people that are hired to perform this service.

What got me to thinking about this was due to a conversation I had with a customer.  And this is how it went;

"Excuse me." she said.  I turned around and there stood this young woman with a smile on her face. 
"Have you worked here for a long time?" she asked.  "Yes, I have."  I replied.  She went on to say that it had been 14 years since she had been to the store in fact, she was 6 years old her last visit.  She asked me if I had worked in the Deli at any time.  I told her that I hadn't and that I had only been working here for 12 years.
"There was a lady who worked in the Deli and every time my mother brought me in, this lady would give me a piece of Pepperoni."  "She was so nice to me - you look so much like her." she said.

We chit chatted a little bit and then she said, "When I looked over here and saw you I didn't want to go by without speaking - just in case you were the same lady I remembered."  With that she said, goodbye.

A long time ago, there was an employee who worked in this store that apparently had a very outgoing personality.  It was just not the customer service, she provided, but the touch of sincerity that is remembered the most.

Well I don't know who this employee was but, I really wish that she were still here. 

I would like telling her that a long time ago there was a little girl who, still to this day, remembers her kindness.

Talk at ya later!


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