It use to be that our store received compliments on a regular basis. And it was the Bakery, Meat, Produce and Floral departments that scored high marks. But with the changes that have occurred over the last few years, the compliments have been few and far between.
It was the service rendered and the selection provided that were the deciding factors.
The other day, a customer came through the store looking for a certain product that she had purchased here before. Unfortunately, we don't carry the item she requested - anymore. The customer went on to say, how beneficial that particular product was and how the substitute didn't match up.
But it was what the customer went on to say that really hit home;
"You use to carry it when you were _____, but nothing is the same since you're not _____ anymore."
And with that, the customer was gone.
Unfortunately, this comment was a realization as to how most of our old customers have felt - and then they were gone.
There are two things to note about the people that live on this side of town, or so I have been told;
1. "They don't like change", and
2. "They don't like to be separated from their money".
As employees, we miss those compliments.
The compliments represented more then how the public felt about our store. Instead, these compliments represented us and the hard work we put into the store to make it successful.
It was our achievement.
Talk at ya later!
It was the service rendered and the selection provided that were the deciding factors.
The other day, a customer came through the store looking for a certain product that she had purchased here before. Unfortunately, we don't carry the item she requested - anymore. The customer went on to say, how beneficial that particular product was and how the substitute didn't match up.
But it was what the customer went on to say that really hit home;
"You use to carry it when you were _____, but nothing is the same since you're not _____ anymore."
And with that, the customer was gone.
Unfortunately, this comment was a realization as to how most of our old customers have felt - and then they were gone.
There are two things to note about the people that live on this side of town, or so I have been told;
1. "They don't like change", and
2. "They don't like to be separated from their money".
As employees, we miss those compliments.
The compliments represented more then how the public felt about our store. Instead, these compliments represented us and the hard work we put into the store to make it successful.
It was our achievement.
Talk at ya later!
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