
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - NOT MUCH TO TALK ABOUT

There hasn't been much to write about, lately.  And much, of what I do see, is rather discouraging.

It seems that so much of our loyal traffic, has ceased to come to the store on a regular basis.  And those that do come are often bewildered by the changes that have taken place.  As are we.  And to watch this is not only discouraging  but, leaves one to ponder the security of the future.

So much of the new traffic, that has started coming to the store, is often rude. abusive and seems to be looking for a reason to argue. Not at all what we are accustomed to.  Don't get me wrong, we have had this type of customer coming to the store for years but there was a balance.  You could be shot down one moment, only to turn around and be praised by another customer the next moment.  Everything evened out.

Since customers don't patronize an establishment anymore and so many employees have become part-timers, who don't look upon their employment as their future, the way of doing business has changed.

The change evolves over years; remodeling, resets, downsizing staff, downsizing stock and eliminating services.  After so much change, the customer can't depend on the business that they patronize and sooner or later they begin to go elsewhere. 

Changes made don't seem to take the customer into the equation.  In other words, companies don't think like customers when making these decisions.  The only thought is to improve the bottom line which only seems to continue to 'downsize', despite the changes made.

And employees have changed.  Employees, once made a difference for a company.  The interest, dedication and hard work were once the staples used to strengthen a business that provided staying power.  But that too, has changed.

Take for instance the deli department where suggestive selling is practiced.. An employee, from another store, was telling me that she noticed that the part-time employees do not make an effort at this.  They simply do a job and leave.  But, like I was told, who can blame them. 

Today's employees come a 'dime a dozen', so to speak.  They are hired in as part-time, at a minimum wage, work a schedule with irregular hours and are without the benefits that once drew qualified help.  And even if they are offered, let's say, health insurance they find that they are unable to afford it.  Not a pretty picture.

It seems that what companies have tried to avoid,  has only increased with the decisions that have been made.  In an attempt to make a profit, or maintain business, companies have only continued to make things worse.  Not just for their business but their decisions and practices have helped to keep the economy in a stalled position; retail jobs do not provide spending power for the average employee.

For some reason, the employees in our store still give their job that 100% that they always have.  And our part-time employees seem to follow the same footsteps.  But the frustrations are there and the looks of dismay show up from time to time.

Today, these people still act as they did when I first entered these doors almost eleven years ago.

The only difference is, there are fewer of them.

Talk at ya later!


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