
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - TOUGH WEEK!!

As the title to this post implies it has been, and will continue to be, a tough week for the employees at the store.

We watch as a part of the store is closing and witness the changes taking place.  Where once there was a sign that said, Pharmacy there is now a banner  informing customers of the  details.

The company has been busy assisting these employees with the offering of alternative positions within the stores or interviews with another company.   Making sure that everyone has assistance with this change.

That is the business end.

But what we, as employees, experience is the personal end of the matter.  Customers with their questions, which we are not capable of answering, the heart felt concerns and the sadness that lags behind.

Throughout these years, we have always been assisted with whatever has ailed us.  From cancer to diabetes, the employees were never without assistance or left with questions.  And if your blood pressure was a little too high, or something else seemed to be out of the norm, they were quick to direct you even without being asked.   It was a place where everyone knew the names of the various customers; customer and pharmacist were on a first name basis.  

Bottom line, we were known and well cared for.

Last night, a customer said to me,

"You know what I hate?"
"It's not personable anymore." 
"No one will know me by name"
"When I go to pick up my prescription it won't be, 'Here you go Dick.', 'How you been feeling?' "
 "Now, I will just be one of thousands."

Talk at ya later!


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