
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - PET PEEVES!

No matter how many times I hear a customer say, that they shop a business according to the sales and have no concern on how they are treated by the establishment - I will notice that there are more customers that do care.  It is a never ending cycle.

And for every ten compliments I hear from customers, I find that there will be one customer that will find something that is not quite right; and, it has nothing to do with the service provided by the employees.

Instead, it is the outlook that companies have and the changes that are implemented into their businesses;  changes that companies expect customers to accept and cannot understand when customers do not.

First, and foremost, on the list is the downsizing.  Be it selection, department or staff when downsizing occurs, so do sales.

For instance;  "Where is the ________?"  "I use to always buy it here."  "Now I will have to go to ________ to get it." 

And then you have the customer that is looking for assistance;  "Excuse me, I need some help but I can't find anyone."   "There is never anyone over there when I need to find something, can you help me?"  and  "Is there anyone working this department or do I have to find someone?"

"Hey, what happened?" "There use to be more of a selection."

Now the second thing that customers do not like, is when the products get moved around.  "Where is the ___________, it was here last week?" 

When customers come in to shop, a lot of times they are in a hurry and like to be able to run in, pick up what they are looking for and get out; as quickly as possible.  But when the products get shifted around, shopping becomes more like a treasure hunt, instead of  an errand.

These are problems that seem to plague most retail businesses.  But this is what happens, when businesses are looking at the bottom number; customers are left to fend for themselves.

And even we, who are retail employees, are faced with it when we venture out to shop.

But even though we are faced with these dilemmas, on a daily basis, there is one thing that I hear a lot;  "Thank you, I appreciate your help."

So downsizing staff, departments and moving product around comes at a cost - sales.

But these business moves have provided us with a lesson;  we, as consumers, are creatures of habit.

And when it comes down to the bottom line, no matter what, we want that personal touch.

Just by chance, at our store, that is something that we are very good at.

Talk at ya later!


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