
Friday, March 16, 2012

Grocery Store Clerk - HOT TOPIC

Customer Service, these two words say it all for a retailer.  It is what a business provides it's customers in exchange for their patronage.  And no matter how this service has been overhauled, over time, it is still a 'catch phrase,' that is commonly used by companies when trying to persuade customers to shop with them.  Now, more than ever, it seems that Customer Service has become a hot topic.

There are some columnists that are writing articles encouraging retailers to improve their Customer Service, if they wish to gain the patronage of the consumer market during these tough, economical times.  While, on the other hand, some surveys show that a large percentage of shoppers list prices and selection as the foremost reasons for choosing a retailer; Customer Service is just considered to be a nice touch.  And, still yet, a major university did a study as to the working conditions that employees, of large retailers, are faced with which might explain why good Customer Service is so unattainable.    No matter what the reason,  Customer Service is up for debate.

The meaning of Customer Service, will vary from customer to customer.  For some, it will be the attitudes of the employees, the experiences faced by the shoppers, while for others it will be what the retailers have to offer in selections and services.  It seems that everything involved with retail is defined as Customer Service.  And even though Customer Service has various definitions in the market place, there is only one group that will feel the affects should something go wrong - the employees that provide this service.  So, what is Customer Service?   Well today, I think I found the answer as to what true Customer Service is and how it is achieved.  To find the answer, I didn't have to go any further than the very store in which I work. 

Tonight I worked a few hours on Frontlines and everything went well.  There were no complaints, a lot of laughter and most everyone seemed to be looking forward to the weekend.    Then came this customer, a gentleman, and as I rang up his order he began to talk about grocery shopping, and this is what he had to say;

"I like shopping here, you people are so personable, you know what I mean?"

Now that, is Customer Service.  HIGH FIVE!

Talk at ya later!


  1. I think great customer service is highly underrated. Generally when you hear someone say something regarding "customer service" it is derogatory. I shop where I shop because of the people who work there. There are certain stores where I don't shop (or even look at their ads) because of the rudeness and a general "I don't care if you shop here or not" attitude. The store where I shop may not have the vast selection of products that some other stores have but the people who work where I shop are friendly and helpful and they do care if I shop there. And where else would an employee critique your art work for you? Now that's customer service!!! You guys rock!!!
