
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - CALL ME FRIEND

More often, than not, you end up getting a little satisfaction in this business.  And, believe it or not, it has nothing to do with telling a customer off - really.  However, it does have to do with the customers.  For every customer that can beat you over the head, there will be ten others that will come along to lift you; at least that has been my experience.

Today was an easy going day.  I cleaned up and did all of the necessities in my department and then ended the shift by stocking and cleaning up in Produce.  Everyone that passed through was pleasant and quick to thank you for any assistance you provided.  There were some that would converse while there were others that greeted.  All in all, a pleasant day.

After I clocked out, I made my way downstairs to pick up a few things and, of course, I had to chat with some of the employees on Frontlines as I checked out.  There were a few customers checking out and we all just kind of chit chatted about things, as we normally do.   These conversations that take place are always filled with laughter and everyone kind of adds a few words on whatever the subject might be.

Tonight, our conversation pertained to the store; or  more precisely put, the company.  While unloading, a rather large order, a customer started discussing the store and the people that work it.  She remembered, how two years ago she was afraid that she was going to lose this store.  You see, the store which I work at was taken over by another company a little over two years ago.  And, in some respect, it sent shock waves through the community and to the loyal customers; not to mention the employees.  Through that period we lost some customers, kept some customers and well, some lost customers have been returning. 

But the one thing that this customer remembers, is coming into the store shortly after the news of the store had been announced.  She said, that when she walked in the door she saw a man with a suit jacket on, wearing a name badge with the new company's name on it.  As she passed him she said, "Don't get rid of my friends."  Why?  As she went on to say, she thinks of these employees as being friends.  It is what she likes about shopping here.  This sentiment seems to be shared by many customers, and often I have heard the employees referred to as 'friends'. 

Some may call this Customer Service, but it's not.  It's the sincerity of the employees that builds this bond with customers.  It has nothing to do with service, only personality.  And as for all of the Mystery Shopper and Consumer Reports, that continue to circulate, they seem to leave out the most important ingredient - the people. 

Perhaps there are not many grocery stores out there that can boast that they have employees like ours.  After all, who would care; all of the customers that call us, 'friend'.

Talk at ya later!

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