
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cincigal Grocery Store Clerk - MANAGERS; THE CYCLE OF CHANGE

There's a lot to be said about managers.  Some are hard working while some, are directors.  There are those that create a team and then those, that stand alone.  And somewhere along the way there are those that just get by - usually, due to the competence of their staff.  And although there are different types of managers the one thing that stands out the most, is the change that takes place when a new manager comes in; appearance, organization, emphasis, contributions, efficiency, work load and morale.

During the last 12 years and 7 months, I have been through eight managers.  And for the last year, the department I work in has been through four managers. 

Over the years we had three managers that were, what you would call, 'team players'.  They were as dedicated as their staff in providing a good department.  And what stood out the most was the dedication to customer service.  This is something that can only be achieved when a staff is able to work together and morale is high.

But times change and, as the old saying goes, 'all good things must come to an end'.

In the midst of change, this time, one has decided to 'jump ship', while leaving the others to contemplate their positions.  The morale is gone and the direction has changed.

I don't know if things will ever get back to the way they were, at this time it seems doubtful.  But, for the first time, I have now witnessed how easy it is to take a good department and break it down.

And all it took, was the changing of managers.

Talk at ya later!