Lately, we have been seeing a few new faces around our store; they are dressed like us, take a position like us so, they must be one of us. These people, what one employee called, 'newbies,' have recently joined our team. Hired on to fill the empty spots, that seemed to have occurred over the last few months, these new employees are in the process of training.
Wow, does this bring back old memories.
When I was hired on, it was in a group that consisted of four. However, within a few months I was the last one standing. Mmmm, don't know if that was for the best or not. But anyway, I remained and it has been nine years now.
When I see these new faces I cannot help but think of all the things that they will be learning; it is exhausting. There are the company policies, established programs, customer service, team work and all of the other essentials that seem to change from year to year. What is more important is, the way that they will learn it; the first customer that gives a hard time, the amount of work that will be expected, all of the, "Will you do this?" or "Will you do that?', which will be thrown their way. And let's not forget cross-training and no, it does not come with extra pay.
I guess that if I were to give advice, I would have to say - 'just jump in'; keep your cool, smile a lot, try to remember all of these things that you are taught (it will become second nature) and, be nice to your co-workers because there will be days when they are your only salvation. Also, know that you will make mistakes and know that it happens to us all. Always ask questions! You will need to be dependable and have a strong work ethic. Not that any of this advice will earn you a raise or further your career it will, however, make it easier for you to get along in this new environment.
One more thing, if you have to work in retail then I guess that this is probably one of the best places. It's not the pay or the type of work that is required but, it's the people that surround you. They are good people, hard working and are always there when needed. And last, but not least, good luck.
I saw a sign once that rather says it all, 'You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it sure helps.'
Talk at ya later!
Wow, does this bring back old memories.
When I was hired on, it was in a group that consisted of four. However, within a few months I was the last one standing. Mmmm, don't know if that was for the best or not. But anyway, I remained and it has been nine years now.
When I see these new faces I cannot help but think of all the things that they will be learning; it is exhausting. There are the company policies, established programs, customer service, team work and all of the other essentials that seem to change from year to year. What is more important is, the way that they will learn it; the first customer that gives a hard time, the amount of work that will be expected, all of the, "Will you do this?" or "Will you do that?', which will be thrown their way. And let's not forget cross-training and no, it does not come with extra pay.
I guess that if I were to give advice, I would have to say - 'just jump in'; keep your cool, smile a lot, try to remember all of these things that you are taught (it will become second nature) and, be nice to your co-workers because there will be days when they are your only salvation. Also, know that you will make mistakes and know that it happens to us all. Always ask questions! You will need to be dependable and have a strong work ethic. Not that any of this advice will earn you a raise or further your career it will, however, make it easier for you to get along in this new environment.
One more thing, if you have to work in retail then I guess that this is probably one of the best places. It's not the pay or the type of work that is required but, it's the people that surround you. They are good people, hard working and are always there when needed. And last, but not least, good luck.
I saw a sign once that rather says it all, 'You don't have to be crazy to work here, but it sure helps.'
Talk at ya later!